Infant Swim Resources (ISR)

A moment can steal a lifetime.

ISR prioritizes safety and emphasizes competence to provide the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment in and around the water.

One of the perks of living in coastal Virginia is we’re surrounded by water. It’s beautiful. It’s also dangerous. Drowning is the leading cause of death for infants and children ages 1-4.

Children as young as 6 months can learn the fundamental ISR skill of rolling on their backs to float, rest and breathe. Infants and toddlers who aren’t even walking can learn to maintain this position until help is on the way.

Vital Survival Skills

ISR teaches children to swim a short distance, rotate on their back to back to rest in a floating position, and then turn over to continue the sequence of swimming and floating until they reach the safety of the side of the pool or the shoreline.

Meet Your Instructor

Beckwith Hastings is a Certified Instructor in ISR. She achieves unique results through fully customized, safe and effective, one-on-one training.

Beck originally found ISR when her daughter was 14 months old. As a swim instructor, she was skeptical but intrigued by the process. She brought her daughter 52 minutes away from her home to an amazing ISR instructor each day. Like many parents in similar circumstances, it was difficult to juggle work, care

for her 4 year old son, and postpone a summer vacation, but it was an incredible experience to watch her independently navigate and find her own air in the water. Beck jokes that her son is a rule follower, but her daughter is adventurous, inquisitive and quick.

In week 3, Beck remembers tearing up poolside. “When I watched her float independently, even though she wasn’t happy about it, I envisioned her having slipped away without us knowing, floating and calling to us while on vacation at the river. It’s too easy to become distracted, to think someone else is watching, or to have them wander off to the water outside of the time you dedicated to swimming. It happens all the time, to good families who love their kids.”

Being a parent is hard. It’s a non-stop worry of whether or not you are doing the right thing. When Beck saw that her baby could confidently swim and self-rescue after just 6 weeks of lessons, she knew she was giving her a tremendous gift. Finding and committing to ISR is one of her proudest accomplishments and she is obsessed with helping other families feel this way too!

Beckwith Hastings
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