We Offer

Speech Therapy + Swimming Instruction

All ages and abilities are welcome. Private sessions are optimal for swimmers who may need more individualized attention in communication and swimming. Speech & Swim SLPs specialize in functional communication and emerging language users. We accommodate and welcome AAC users and recommend an additional laminated low-tech option for pool use. Available on a weekly schedule, but space is limited.

$300 for a group of 4 sessions

Regular Swim Lessons

Mrs. Sara has a background in physical therapy with a passion for teaching swimming and helping kids. These sessions meet the needs of swimmers at a pace that gently extends their comfort zone. All levels are welcome. We've helped a range of swimmers from those afraid of the water to others improving stroke technique and endurance for swim team.

$300 for a group of 4 sessions

Infant Swimming Resource (ISR)

Speech & Swim is proud to bring ISR instruction to Williamsburg, VA. ISR sessions are optimal for ages 6 months-6 years. For more information message beckwith.hastings@infantswim.com

Speech Therapy + Swimming Group Sessions

Various Groups Available to Meet the Swimmer's Goal.

Speech Sound Groups: Designed to help children with tough sounds like /s/, /z/, /r/, /l/, etc while learning to swim and having fun in the water. Sessions based on area of need and age of swimmers.

$225 for a group of 4 sessions

Social Swim: Designed to encourage language development and social interactions through swimming instruction. Swimmers will work on social skills awareness, problem solving, conversational turn-taking and following/giving directions.

$300 for a group of 4 sessions

Children learn from one another, make friends, and challenge one another in a welcoming and fun atmosphere.

There will be no more than 5 swimmers with one instructor. Camps are held four consecutive days for 30 minutes each.

Traditional Speech Therapy

Hastings Family LLC is helping children achieve goals in articulation, expressive language, fluency, phonemic awareness, and comprehension.