Hastings Family Therapy, LLC

  • Hastings Family Therapy is a private practice in Williamsburg, VA. We are dedicated to providing speech and language services to improve children's lives by addressing their communication needs.

  • We strive to bridge the gap that takes skills learned in therapy into everyday activities. We recognize that the best speech and language therapy occurs when the latest research and technology is integrated with all aspects of child development.

  • (804) 384-0919‬



Unique Delivery

Speech therapy sessions can be completed in office or on location to a local library, playground, or restaurant. Functional communication is embedded through play and real life situations to increase daily use. What good is clear speech when only spoken within the speech therapy room?

Flexible Scheduling

Speech therapy sessions are offered in a block of 6 sessions. You may use them daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly depending on your schedule. You determine what is best for your family and your lifestyle.


Clear communication is vital for success. Your opinion is valued as the person who knows your child best. You help determine what goals are to be addressed and play a significant role in their success.